Each Little Moment

After over a year hiatus, I am back (briefly) to share some very exciting news; I now have my own self-hosted website! It was not the easiest decision, because I know I have built up a following and community here, but we prayed a lot and knew that this was the next step and will open a lot more opportunity for the future. Each Little Moment will share snippets of our life, what God is teaching us, our experiences as we parent, fun tips and ideas, and our homeschooling journey. I really would love to have you join me over at my new location and continue our journey with us. I will be sharing snippets of my next few posts here, but eventually will completely move over to my new site.

“The days are long, but the years are short” is a quote that seems to sum up parenthood in so many ways.

As I sit watching my daughter rock her baby doll and reach for the baby’s bottle, she looks up with excitement to tell me, “Baby Sophie crying. Awwh Baby, it’s okay. I feed you. You eat dinner,” I can feel a lump in my throat growing. It seems like just yesterday that my husband and I brought her home from the hospital. The time flies by exponentially and I know each parent can understand these thoughts. I love this little gift that God has given us and I want to live purposefully and cherish my time with her.

I currently work from home and my husband just started his nursing career, so we are in a very busy season. There are many times when I want to rush bedtime, do all the clean up on my own, or miss a beautiful moment with my daughter because I’m distracted by all the other things vying for my attention. It is so easy to want to just “get through the day”, rather than to cherish each little moment.

We live in a society that is primarily individualistic and praises productivity and meeting milestones like finishing college, getting that promotion, and purchasing a house.  Marriage, families, and children are just an extra on that you can cram in around the edges (if you want). And with the invention of social media, I have seen so many memes complaining about marriage and motherhood and many people on the internet grumbling at best and completely hostile against marriage and children at worst. There are so many voices around us telling us what our lives should look like and so many things competing against our families for our attention.

But that’s not how God is. (click here to continue reading….)

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